historical records of the british army historical record of the Royal Regiment of Horse Guards, or, Oxford Blues, its services, and the transactions in which it has been engaged from its … Edmund Dulac's picture book for the french Red Cross / [Edmund Dulac] ; publ. for the Daily Telegraph Völkerrecht, ein Pseudorecht / S.E. Edmunds ; übersetzt von Cornelia Bruns American heritage history of World War I / by the editors of American heritage, the Magazine of History ; narrative by S.L.A. Marshall ; with … Chirurgijns zee-compas : de medische verzorging aan boord van Nederlandse zeeschepen gedurende de Gouden Eeuw / A.E. Leuftink Testament de la Monarchie (Les temps et les destins) / Duc de René de la Croix Castries Giant brains or machines that think / Edmund Callis Berkeley Hölle von Casablanca : Erlebnisse eines Marokkodeutschen / Edmund Nehrkorn ; eingel. und hrsg. von Justus Keller British campaigns in the Nearer East, 1914-1918 : from the outbreak of war with Turkey to the taking of Jerusalem / by Edmund Dane Luchtbrug naar Arnhem / Louis Hagen united states army in world war ii Seizure of the Gilberts and Marshalls / by Philip A. Crowl and Edmund G. Love Kriegs- und Industrie-Spionage : zwölf Jahre Kundschaftsdienst / Max Ronge ; [préface d'Edmund v. Glaise-Horstenau.]