Manpower issues for NATO : motivation and mobilisation / interim report of the sub-committee on manpower and personnel, pres. by Adriaan Ploeg Final report of the sub-committee on detente / pres. by Paul De Vlies Report of the sub-committee on defence co-operation on the implications of technology for the battlefield / presented by Patrick Duffy, rapporteur Interim report of the sub-committee on the southern region / pres. by Ton Frinking Report on the work of the NATO committee on the challenges of modern society (CCMS) in 1981 north atlantic assembly papers Manpower issues for nato : recruitment, retention, reserves NATO basic documents vergelijking van de strijdkrachten van NAVO en Warschaupakt / [met een voorw. van Joseph M.A.H. Luns] Noordatlantische Verdrags Organisatie : feiten en cijfers / NAVO-Voorlichtingsdienst nato ccms = otan/cdsm Environment and regional planning : a pilot study navo zakboekje NAVO-handboek 1996 / samengest. door Noordatlantische Verdragsorganisatie, Voorlichtingsdienst Texts of final communiques : issued by ministerial sessions of the North Atlantic Council the Defence Planning Committee and the Nuclear Planning Group