Lieutenant general Sir Oliver Leese shakes hands with lieutenant Joseph Lthirad - Lieut.general Sir Oliver Leese on 14th army front - British Official Photograph, serie … Rood schildvormig indelingsembleem tbv British Army of the Rhine (B.A.O.R.), waarop breed blauw kruis Rood schildvormig indelingsembleem tbv British Army of the Rhine (B.A.O.R.), waarop breed blauw kruis Rood schildvormig indelingsembleem tbv British Army of the Rhine (B.A.O.R.), waarop breed blauw kruis SOXMIS-kaart Letter no. 4 by the commander-in chief on non-fraternisation, getekend A.L. Montgomery Field Marchall 25 september 1945 This can prevent this Can you fight & work in your respirator Nerve gas kills dont lose your head! Stick a respirator on it! They were not aware of the threat... YOU ARE so train for.. NBC operations.. popular marches played by the regimental bands of the british army With Sword and Lance = Mit Schwert und Lanze = Sabre et Lance osprey military men-at-arms series British army, 1660-1704 / text by John Tincey ; colour plates by Gerry Embleton