history of the second world war. united kingdom civil series control of raw materials / J. Hurstfield history of the second world war. united kingdom civil series Civil industry and trade / E.L. Hargreaves and M.M. Gowing history of the second world war. united kingdom civil series administration of war production / J.D. Scott and Richard Hughes Strength and casualties of the armed forces and auxiliary services of the United Kingdom 1939 to 1945 / presented by the Prime Minister and the … employment of mitrailleurs during the recent war, and their use in future wars Vickers-Armstrongs 75 m.m. Field Artillery Equipment Chart depicting ribands and emblems of orders, decorations and medals in use of the Britisch Army including those of certain allied countries information department papers Abyssinia and Italy brassey's world military technology Explosives, propellants and pyrotechnics / A. Baily & S.G. Murray War on great cities : a study of the facts / by Frank Morison india of to-day defence of India / Arthur Vincent world's airways and how they work / ed. J.W.G. James, John Stroud ; forew. by William P. Hildred