herbouw van Vlissingen / H.B.J. Knoop O Brasil nas Guianas : a visita do coronel Magalh~aes Barata a Caiena, Georgetown e Paramaribo / Fevereiro torenboeken Herinneringen / Albert Speer ; [vert. uit het Duits R.D. Dalman] ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii. battle books Okinawa : capstone to victory / Benis M. Frank ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii. weapens books guns : 1939/45 / [by] Ian V. Hogg ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii . campaign books Fall of the Philippines / Ward Rutherford ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii. weapens books German General Staff / [by] Barry Leach ballantine's illustrated history of the violent century. war leader book Mussolini / Christopher Hibbert ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii. weapens books Flying tigers : Chennault in China / Ron Heiferman history of the second world war. campaign book Commando / Peter Young ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii. battle books Bir Hacheim : desert citadel / [by] Richard Holmes ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii. battle books Beda Fomm : the classic victory / K. J. Macksey