treaties and other international acts series Establishment of United States military advisory group to the republic of Korea : agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of Korea treaties and other international acts series Aviation : military air transit rights : agreement between the United States of America and Costa Rica Sixième Congrès International de médecine et de pharmacie militaires :comptes-rendu des séances treaties and other international acts series Military assistance : agreement between the United States of America and Nicaragua treaties and other international acts series Military assistance : agreement between the United States of America and Honduras treaties and other international acts series Military assistance : agreement between the United States of America and Iraq Belgique au point de vue militaire et international / Emile Banning ; études publiées par Ernest Gossart XIIIe Congrès International de médecine et de pharmacie militaires : programme officiel grand problème international et militaire : le tunnel sous la Manche : ses rapports avec la sécurité de la France et de la Grande-Bretagne / … Tenth international Congress of Military Medicine and Pharmacy Report on fourth international congress of military medicine and pharmacy, Warsaw, Poland, May-June 1927 / by commander William Seaman Bainbridge Comité international de secours aux militaires blessés