secrets de la science américaine / J.Ph. Baxter ; traduction M. Vincent Repairs and utilities : property accounting for post engineers : army service forces manual M 501 Tekst der redevoeringen gehouden op het "wetenschappelijk appèl" der Koninklijke Vereeniging "Indisch Instituut", ter gelegenheid van het 50-jarig regeringsjubileum van H. M. Koningin Wilhelmina, op … trésor historique et littéraire Histoire du consulat et de l'empire / par M. A. Thiers ; annotée par Félix Wouters Wat nu? : enkele beschouwingen omtrent de toekomstige taak van regeering en politieke partijen / door F.M. Beukers war department technical manual Binaural training instruments, M 1 and M 2 : ordnance maintenance / prepared under direction of the chief of ordnance war department technical manual U.S. rifle, caliber 22, M 1922, M 1922 M I and M 2 / prepared under direction of the chief of ordnance war department technical manual 155-MM gun and carriage M 1 and M1 A 1 : ordnance maintenance war department technical manual 12-inch seacoast matériel : 12-inch mortar M 1912 mounted on 12-inch mortar carriage M 1896 M III war department technical manual Setters, fuze, bracket, M 1916 series : setters, fuze, hand, M 1912 and M 1913 series : ordnance maintenance / prepared under direction of the … war department technical manual Instruction guide : plotting boards M 3 and M 4 war department technical manual Battery commander's telescope M 1915 A 1 : ordnance maintenance