die wehrmacht im kampf Endkampf auf dem Balkan : die Operationen der Heeresgruppe E von Griechenland bis zu den Alpen / Erich Schmidt-Richberg united states strategic bombing survey detailed study of the effects of area bombing on ... : Darmstadt united states strategic bombing survey detailed study of the effects of area bombing on ... : Hamburg united states strategic bombing survey detailed study of the effects of area bombing on ... : Solingen united states strategic bombing survey Effects of air attack on the city of Hiroshima united states strategic bombing survey Effects of incendiary bomb attacks on Japan : a report on eight cities united states strategic bombing survey report on physical damage in Japan Italian tanks and fighting vehicles of World War 2 / [by] Ralph Riccio Royal Netherlands Military Flying-School in United States of America / [samenst.: R. van der Laan] myth of the master race: Alfred Rosenberg and Nazi ideology / Robert Cecil Krijgsgevangenen in de Pacific-oorlog (1941-1945) / E. van Witsen ; met een woord vooraf van I. J. Brugmans andere Gesicht des Krieges : deutsche Feldpostbriefe, 1939-1945 / hrsg. von Ortwin Buchbender und Reinhold Sterz