Trillingsmeetapparaten / Philips' gloeilampenfabrieken, afd. industriele meet- en regelapparaten UHF tubes communication and measuring equipment : technical documentation of Philips U.H.F. tubes DC 80 - EC 80 - EC 81 - EC 55 / … Products in picture / Philips Telecommunication Industries/Philips Telecommunicatie Industrie Concise description of transmitting receiving equipment : description sommaire de l'installation d'Emission-Réception, type SRR 230/00 / Philips Telecommunicatie Industrie Herinneringen van een oud-vrijwilliger : schetsen en beelden uit het militaire leven tusschen 1830-1840 / bew. en uitgeg. door A.W.P. Weitzel Fifty ships that saved the world : the foundation of the Anglo-American alliance / by Philip Goodhart Marche des cadets = cadetten-marsch weltberühmte märsche Man behind the Gun : Canonier Marsch gem series March Gems by Sousa & other well-known composers warfare in history Battle of Crécy, 1346 / Andrew Ayton and Sir Philip Preston ; with additional contributions from Françoise Autrand... [et al.] Erwin Rommel : veldmaarschalk of nazi? / Maurice Philip Remy ; [vert. uit het Duits: Chrétien Breukers ; red.: Deul & Spanjaard] osprey military men-at-arms series Austrian Army 1740-80 (1)/ Philip J. Haythornthwaite ; illustrated by W. Younghusband