rapporten Inleiding / Studie-groep voor Reconstructie Problemen rapporten Rapporten 1ste reeks / Studie-groep voor Reconstructie Problemen Hitler's Reich and Churchill's Britain : a conversation between Stephen Laird and Walter Graebner ("Time", "Life" and "Fortune" correspondants in Berlin and London) history of the second world war. united kingdom civil series Statistical digest of the war [1939 - 1945] / prep. in the Central Statistical Office German Army in Pictures - Engeland Voorschrift MI 14 a panther book Prisoners' bluff / Rolf Magener ; transl. from the German by Basil Creighton Heraldry & regalia of war / [ed. by Bernard Fitzsimons] traveller's war : a journey to the wars in Africa, India and Russia / by Alaric Jacob Russia's fighting men / by J.B. Heisler ; with a preface by The dean of Canterbury ; [transl. by Kevin Browne] free europe pamphlets Soviet occupation of Poland / with an introductory note by J.B. Morton Secret session speeches : (delivered to the House of Commons 1940-1943) / by Winston S. Churchill ; comp. by Charles Eade Enemy weapons : Italian and German Infantry Weapons - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS Publications/796