08.15 De Kazerne : Roman / Hans Hellmut Kirst Clavel soldat / Léon Werth geheime dorp / H.J. van Nijnatten-Doffegnies oorlogsdomein officierskamer / Marc Dugain ; vert. [uit het Frans] door Per Justesen armed services editions old soak and hail and farewell / by Don Marquis armed services editions So Blue Marble / a novel of terror by Dorothy B. Hughes armed services editions Killing the goose / by Frances & Richard Lockridge armed services editions Corpse without a clue / by R.A.J. Walling Dappere kerels / Ernie Pyle ; vert. door F. Spittel hunt for Red October / Tom Clancy Red storm rising / Tom Clancy oorlogsdomein Stalinorgel : roman / Gert Ledig ; vert. [uit het Duits] door Tinke Davids