Recueil du IIe congrès international de vexillologie, Zürich 1967 armémusei skrifter Kaserner, baracker och hyddor : svenska soldatboningar under fyra êarhundraden / Ejnar Berg Bulletin 1975-1976 / [of the] Research Institute on International Change Group specification for quartz crystal units for oscillators : second draft / International Electrotechnical Commission , Technical committee No. 12: Radio-communication Sub-committee 12A: Crystals Propagandaboekje van de Conseil International du Sport Militaire i.c.a.o. circular aircraft landing system utilizing decimetric waves (UHF) / published by authority of the Secretary General ; International Civil Avaiation Organization pleadings, oral arguments, documents Conditions of admission of a state to membership in the United Nations : (article 4 of the charter) : advisory opinion of may 28th, 1948 America's strategy in world politics : the United States and the balance of power / Nicholas John Spykman ; maps by Richard Edes Harrison marche vers la paix : discours prononcé au cercle international le 24 juilllet 1907 / H.W. van Asch van Wijck Vier zwarte dagen : historisch overzicht van de dood en de begrafenis van President Kennedy / samengest. door United Press International en American Heritage Magazine; … Travaux du IXe congrès international médecine vétérinaire à la Haye, 13-19 septembre 1909 : Rapports des séances des sections international conciliation Arms traffic and third world conflicts / Geoffrey Kemp