Beknopte lijst van nationale en internationale afkortingen / Ministerie van Oorlog Museumspädagogik in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik : Bemerkungen anläßlich einer Ausstellung / [Texte: Kurt Patzwall] ccd Report to the United Nations general assembly and to the United Nations disarmament commission [of] the conference of the committee on disarmament held from 23 … Civil emergency planning in the Netherlands / Civil emergency planning staff Armour 1987 30. Jahrestag der sozialistischen Revolution in Bulgarien : Ausstellung des zentralen Museums der Revolutionbewegung bulgariens Sofia im Museum für Deutsche Geschichte / Walo Walow militärpolitik dokumentation Atomkriegsfolgen / Bearb. des Schwerpunktthemas: Jo Rodejohann economic mobilization studies Procurement / Industrial College of the Armed Forces economic mobilization studies Economic potential for war / Industrial College of the Armed Forces Mutual inspection for peace treaty series Agreement between the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the government of the United States of America concerning the … treaty series Exchange of notes between the government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the government of the Federal Republic of Germany …