international studies of the committee on international relations, university of notre dame Freedom and reform in Latin America / ed. by Fredrick B. Pike Neo-nazisme, of vrijheid en waarheid? / door W. Wentholt Soviet economic warfare / by Robert Loring Allen ; introd. by Erwin D. Canham Arms control : issues for the public / [ed. by Louis Henkin] a spectrum book Soviet politics since Khrushchev / edited by Alexander Dallin and Thomas B. Larson the dorsey series in american history Recent American foreign policy : conflicting interpretations / [sel. and ed. with introd. by] Lawrence S. Kaplan Handbook on communist China / Foreign Policy Association Retour a zéro : l'Europe et sa défense dans le compte à rebours / Paul Stehlin ; preface d' André François-Poncet ; annexe chronologique (1939-1968) … collapse of the Third Republic : an inquiry into the fall of France in 1940 / by William L. Shirer aktuelle außenpolitik Frieden in Europa : Voraussetzungen, Chancen, Versuche / Karl E. Birnbaum ; [Übersetzer : Karl Römer] Power and wealth : the political economy of international power / [by] Klaus Knorr Buitenlandse politiek in de Nederlandse publieke opinie : inventaris van in Nederland in de periode 1 januari 1960 tot 1 januari 1975 gehouden onderzoek naar …