Panzerkampfwagen Maus / Thomas L. Jentz Imperial Japanese army and navy uniforms & equipment / [Tadao Nakata and Thomas B. Nelson] Jelka : aus dem Leben einer Kärtner Partisanin / Thomas Busch [und] Brigitte Windhab ; nach Tonbandaufzeichnungen von Helena Kuchar Arabië in opstand / T.E. Lawrence ; geautoriseerde bew. [uit het Engels] van R.H.G. Nahuys men-at-arms series Korean war 1950-53 / text by Nigel Thomas and Peter Abbott ; colour plates by Mike Chappell technical bulletin Controlling museum fungal problems = Le contrôle des moisissures dans les musées / by thomas J.K. Strang and John E. Dawson technical bulletin Controlling vertebrate pests in museums = La lutte contre les vertébrés nuisibles dans les musées / by Thomas J.K. Strang and John E. Dawson a spectrum book Soviet politics since Khrushchev / edited by Alexander Dallin and Thomas B. Larson Strategic implicatios of the U.S.-DPRK framework agreement / Thomas L. Wiborn Bren gun saga / by Thomas B Dugelby Historische studiën / Theod. Jorissen laws of war on land (written and unwritten) / by Thomas Erskine Holland