Automatisch opblaasbaar reddingsvest van grijs/bruin kunststof (één kamer) met rugzak (Verenigde Staten van Amerika, ±1950-1955) Roskam van blik met leren lus tbv verzorging paard (Verenigde Staten 1900-1940) Roskam van blik met leren lus tbv verzorging paard (Verenigde Staten 1900-1940) SA leden marcheren door Berlijn (Spandau) omstreeks 1932 en krijgen water uitgereikt door de bevolking Hellebaard van de garde Christian II van Saksen, 1601 Nuclear weapons and foreign policy / by Henry A. Kissinger ; forew. by Gordon Dean Allied intelligence bureau : our secret weapon in the war against Japan / Allison Ind ; maps by Donald Pitcher topical studies in international relations / columbia university, institute of war and peace studies Defense and diplomacy : the soldier and the conduct of foreign relations / Alfred Vagts Servitudes of international law : a study of rights in foreign territory / by F.A. Váli Experimental design in psychological research / Allen L. Edwards agenda paper / national strategy information center United States and the Persian Gulf : past mistakes, present needs / by Alvin J. Cottrell and Michael L. Moodie Across the space frontier / by Joseph Kaplan ... [et al.] ; ed. by Chesley Bonestell ; ill. by Chesley Bonestell, Fred Freeman, Rolf Klep