Tank training : Volume II-Part III: Pamphlet No. 1: Ordnance Q.F. 3-Pounder, 2-CWT. Marks I and II guns and ordnance Q.F. 3.7-in. Mark I Mortar Tank training : Volume II-Part III: Pamphlet No. 2: 303-in., vickers machine guns, Marks VI, IVa, IVb, and I Tank training : Volume II-Part III: Pamphlet No. 4: Machine gun mountings and appurtenances for use in armoured fighting vehicles Tank training : Volume II-Part III: Pamphlet No. 5: 5-in. vickers machine gun, Mark V war of invention : scientific developments, 1914-18 / by Guy Hartcup Signal Battalion Armoured, Mechnized and Infantry Divisions. FM 11-50 Tank Gunnery. FM 17-12 Tank Platoon. FM 17-30 Tank Platoon and Tank Company. FM 17-32 Tank Battalion. FM 17-33 Armored Cavalry Units Armored and Infantry Divisions. FM 17-35 Tactical Employmemt Tank Destroyer Unit. FM 18-5