Pictorial history of the RAF / John William Ransom Taylor : Vol. 3: 1945-1969 War crimes trials / general editor Sir David Maxwell Fyfe History of the war in the peninsula and in the south of France from the year 1807 to the year 1814 / by W.F.P. Napier School of the citizen sailor / Louis H. Bolander, William G. Fletcher, Ralph H. Gabriel ; Second Army Board Science and mechanisation in land warfare / Donald Portway ; with a foreword by [William Riddell] lord Birdwood volkenrechtelijke positie van verzetslieden : (the position of members of resistance movements under international law) / Williams James Ford Artillery: to-day and to-morrow / by Colonel H. Rowan-Robinson bombardier, and pocket gunner / by Ralph Willet Adye Neuropsychiatry / prep. under the direction of M.W. Ireland Strategic requirements for the army to the year 2000 / ed. by Robert H. Kupperman, William J. Taylor, Jr atomic challenge / William F. Train standaard tweede wereldoorlog in woord en beeld Pantserspitsen tegen Frankrijk / John Williams ; [vert. door D.L. Uyt den Bogaard]