Motor transport - USA Voorschrift, Basic Field Manual, 25-10 Dog team transportation - USA Voorschrift, Basic Field Manual, 25-6 Voorschrift nopens het vervoer van Krijgsvolk, Paarden, Oorlogstuig en verdere Militaire Goederen - Koninklijke Landmacht Voorschrift no. 21 Instruction Provisoire sur organisation des communications et des transports militaires en tems de guerre. Annexe no. 6 a l'instruction provisoire sur l'emploi tactique des Grandes … Army transportation movements management. - USA Voorschrift Field Manual 55-10 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Section E 3. Lifting and Transporting Gear. WO 1547 - Engeland Voorschrift 57/Vocabulary/1426 Vocabulary of army ordnance stores. Identification List. Section E 3. Lifting and Transporting Gear. WO 1561 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/Publications/5571 Pamphlet no. 35 A. Combined Operations. Royal Engineers. (Other than transportation Units). WO 7348 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS/Publcations/1158 Military engineering : Port Construction : Supplement No. 1A: Additional notes on 'V' type steel trestling for marine piers / Army Council. Volume VIII: Transportation … Military engineering : Railway bridging : Supplement No. 4: Erection of light and heavy steel derricks / Army Council. Volume VIII: Transportation - Engeland Voorschrift, … Military engineering : Railway bridging : Supplement No. 2A: Additional notes on light and standard steel trestles / Army Council. Volume VIII: Transportation - Engeland … Military engineering : Port Operating (Military Stevedoring) / Army Council. Volume VIII: Transportation - Engeland Voorschrift, 26/GS Publications/1244