NLR rapport TR 82098 C d.d. 25-9-1982. Description of a database containing measured load distributions in the wing of the NF-5A test aircraft (K-3001). NLR rapport AA.323 d.d. onbekend ± 1950/60. Pressure-plotting measurements on a wing with variable sweep and aspect ratio and with blowing over the flaps and … NLL Verslagen en verhandelingen XVIII - 1953. A.1205. The field of flow through a helicopter rotor obtained from windtunnel smoke tests. NLL Verslagen en verhandelingen XVIII - 1953. S. 416. Comparative fatigue tests with 24 ST Alclad rivited and bonded stiffenend panels. NLL Verslagen en verhandelingen XVIII - 1953. S. 421. Torsional strength and stiffness tests on wing leading edges. NLL Verslagen en verhandelingen XXIV - 1960. TR M.2070. Program-fatigue tests on notched light alloy specimens of 2024 and 2075 material. NLR Verslagen en verhandelingen XXX - 1965. TR MP.222. Flight operational evaluation of approach and runway lighting (Second test series). Flight test schedule; after inspection 5 or 6 (Report VD-27-102); F.27 all versions d.d.1-6-1971 (niet ingevuld) Rapport nr. V-27-36 d.d. 20-4-1959. Dropping-tests with the Fokker F.27 "Freindship". Evaluation of the aircraft's suitibility for dropping paratroopers and containers. Luftwaffe test pilot : Flying captured Allied Aircraft of World War 2 Spitfire : A Test Pilot's Story Designers and test pilots