Tank Museum of the Royal Armoured Corps and the Royal Tank Regiment modern combat vehicles Leopard / A.J. Barker vanguard series US light tanks 1944-84 : M24 Chaffee, M41 Walker Bulldog and M551 Sheridan / text by Steven J. Zaloga / colour plates by Terry Hadler look inside cross-sections Tanks / ill. by Richard Chasemore ; written by Ian Harvey new observer's series New Observer's Books of Tanks & other armoured vehicles / Charles Messenger history of the American light tank / by R.P. Hunnicutt ; line drawings by D.P. Dyer ; color drawing by Uwe Feist ; forew. by … Final report on special study of setback and spin for artillery, mortar, recoilless rifle, and tank ammunition / by Leo D. Heppner illustrated directory of tanks of the world / David Miller Armour 1987 militärfahrzeuge Beute-Kraftfahrzeuge und Panzer der deutschen Wehrmacht / Walter J. Spielberger Russian tanks, 1900-1970 : the complete illustrated history of Soviet armoured theory and design / by John Milsom mittlere Kampfpanzer Leopard und seine Abarten / Walter J. Spielberger ; Zeichn. Hilary L. Doyle ; Ill. Uwe Feist