Musical Cocktail; De grootste musicalhits door o.a. The Sisters, Lee Towers, Willeke Alberti, Henk Poort en Joke de Kruijf. Dubbel CD. Official records / Economic and Social Council = Procès-verbaux officiels / Conseil Economique et Social. Official records / Security Council. Compte rendu provisoire / Société des Nations = Provisional verbatim record / League of Nations official records of the general assembly $ supplement Annual report of the Secretary-General on the work of the organization / [United Nations] last great world record TD-204 NLR rapport SB-74-078 (d.d. 21-10-1974). NF-5 multiparameter recording interim report. NLR rapport TR 76019 C d.d. 13-2-1976. Summary report NF-5A multiparameter usage recordings. NLR rapport TR 80064 C d.d. juni 1980. Acceleration measurements on NF-5A and NF-5B aircraft of the RNLAF. Recording period: January 1979 upto December 1979.. NLR rapport TR 80101 C d.d. 21-10-1980. Acceleration measurements on NF-5A and NF-5B aircraft of the RNLAF. Recording period: January 1980 upto June 1980. NLR rapport TR 81093 C d.d. juni 1981. Acceleration measurements on NF-5A and NF-5B aircraft of the RNLAF. Recording period: January upto December 1980. NLR rapport TR 82052 C d.d.3-6-1982. Acceleration measurements on NF-5A and NF-5B aircraft of the RNLAF. Recording period: January 1981 upto December 1981.