Raketwerper Joegoslavisch model RBR M80, systeem LAW, kaliber 64 mm battle of the V-weapons, 1944-45 / by Basil Collier after the battle V-weapons / [ed. by Winston G. Ramsey] Zünder der Schweizer Armee 1848 - 2000 ; eine geschichtliche und technische übersicht der Zünder von Geschossen, Raketen, Fliegerbomben, Handgranaten und Minen / Peter Jaeggi new vanguard series Red SAM : the SA-2 guideline anti-aircraft missile / Steven J. Zaloga ; ill. by Jim Laurier fortress German V-weapon sites 1943-45 / Steven J. Zaloga ; ill.by Hugh Johnson & Chris Taylor Ballistic missile defense : a study jointly sponsored by the Brookings Institution and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology / ed. by Ashton B. Carter and … jane's yearbook Jane's weapon systems Jane's strategic weapon systems / ed. by Duncan Lennox, Roger Loasby Geheime wapens : van raket tot atoom-bom / door J.C. Forthaas Internal ballistics of solid-fuel rockets : military rockets using dry-processed double-base propellant as fuel / by R.N. Wimpress ; with a pref. by B.H. Sage Ballistics of the future : with special reference to the dynamical and physical theory of the rocket weapons / J.M.J. Kooy and J.W.H. Uytenbogaart