Chronik der Militärfahrzeuge : Schwere Panzer / Gerhard Siem geest in de fles : de omgang van de Nederlandse defensieorganisatie met chemische strijdmiddelen 1915-1997 / Herman Roozenbeek, Jeoffrey van Woensel Perilous glory : the rise of Western military power / John France Britain's war machine : weapons, resources and experts in the Second World War / David Edgerton Mei 1940 : de strijd op Nederlands grondgebied / Herman Amersfoort, Piet Kamphuis (red.) ; [cartogr.: Louis Kaulartz] Teken en zie de wereld : oorlogsveteranen in Suriname / Jules Rijssen luftwaffe in combat 1939-45 Voices from the Luftwaffe / Bob Carruthers eastern front from primary sources Waffen SS in the east 1943-1945 eastern front from primary sources Waffen SS in the east 1941-1943 Taktik im Russlandfeldzug : Erfahrungen und Folgerungen / Eike Middeldorf history of united states naval operations in world war ii History of United States naval operations in World War II : The battle of the Atlantic, September 1939-May 1943 / Samuel Eliot Morison Hitler's naval war / [by] Cajus Bekker ; translated [from the German] and edited by Frank Ziegler