forum boekerij zaak Antonius van der Waals / Frank Visser standaard van het 2e regiment huzaren / door Ritmeester J.J.M. de Waal verhandelingen der koninklijke akademie van wetenschappen, afdeeling natuurkunde. eerste sectie, wiskunde, natuurkunde, scheikunde, kristallenleer, sterrenkunde, weerkunde, en ingenieurswetenschappen value of "A" of van der Waals' equation and the nature of cohesion / by Albert P. Mathews communications of the "van der waals-fund" method for the measurement of the viscosity of saturated methane-oil solutions under pressure / by J. Versluys, A. Michels and J. Gerver communications of the "van der waals-fund" Calculation of thermodynamic properties of nitrogen up to 3000 atm. between 0ÿê and 150ÿê / by A. Michels, H. Wouters and J. de Boer communications of the "van der waals-fund" suggested explanation for some properties of liquid He II / by A. Michels, A. Bijl and J. de Boer communications of the "van der waals-fund" Isothermsof methane-aethane mixtures at 0ÿê, 25ÿê and 50ÿêC up to 60 atmospheres / by A. Michels and G.W. Nederbragt communications of the "van der waals-fund" Quantum-mechanical calculation of the second virial-coefficient of helium at low temperatures / by J. de Boer and A. Michels communications of the "van der waals-fund" calibration of a pressure balance in absolute units / A. Michels mitteilungen des "van der waals-fonds" Neubearbeitung der Kohnstammwalstraschen Isothermenmessungen / A. Michels und A.J.J. Gerver S.J. communications of the "van der waals-fund" On discontinuities in the energy and the specific heat / A. Bijl communications of the "van der waals-fund" electrical manometer for pressures up to 3000 atmospheres / A. Michels and M. Lenssen