The War Fronts. Op de keerzijde German Navy Uniforms and Insignia. Newsmap, volume 1, No. 46 The War Fronts. Op de keerzijde Italian Navy Uniforms and Insignia. Newsmap, volume 1, No. 40 The War Fronts. Op de keerzijde Soviet Infantry. Newsmap, volume 1, No. 41 Ford keeps them rolling passenger cars and trucks built for the United States army Telegram van Signal Corps, United States Army over het terugtrekken van troepen Instructions for American servicemen in France during World War II Extract of interim historical report : cumulative to 30 June, 1953 / Korea War Crimes Division Sunday Times" war of the Gulf : A pictorial history / John Witherow & Aidan Sullivan Victory in the Gulf / Eric Micheletti and Yves Debay Horse-drawn military civilian veterinary ambulances / Carriage museum of America Vliegvelden in oorlogstijd : Nederlandse vliegvelden tijdens bezetting en bevrijding 1940-1945 / red.: Peter Grimm, Erwin van Loo, Rolf de Winter ; [cartogr.: Louis Kaulartz] military collections of the world US Army Ordnance Museum Aberdeen / text P. Skulski ; photos B. Bercarz, A. Juszczak, R. Pÿðeczkowski ; ed. in chief Roger Wallsgrove ; transl. …