Petty officers and seamen of the Royal Navy - Types of the British Army and Navy, No. XVI Types of the British army. A trooper of the 12th (Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers "The Royal engineers" - Types of the British army Veiligheidsaffiche Safety posters Royal Netherlands Air Force Vliegveiligheidsaffiche: Flight safety posters Royal Netherlands Netherlands Air Force Vliegveiligheidsaffiche: Schietstoel Nothrop NF-5 Royal Netherlands Air Force ,Warning one pull to eject Marinierskazerne "Savaneta" Royal Netherlands Marine Base Aruba - Neth. Antilles Kaart Victory in Europe Day - May 8th 1945 - RAF Victory Celebration Card. daarnaast een kartonen schietschijf van Flight Lieutenant J.W. Dekker Royal horse artillery. part 1 1793-1823 - Uniforms of the British army Album met 233 ansichtkaarten over Nederlandse vliegtuigen, oorlogstaferelen en portretten Exercise Battle Royal - Afbeelding van mouwemblemen en kraagpatjes (Belgian Corps badges and collar patches) - Mouw emblemen Noordland Badges Northland The Elite against all odds