Finishing off - Standard ships in various stages of construction - With the British navy in war time Preparing the slope for the next ship immediately after the [...]ed one has taken the water - Standard ships in various stages of construction - … Laying keel plates of next standard tramp within 15 minutes of the slips being vacated - With the British navy in war time - Standard … Tommy's mascot - Official photographs taken on the British western front - The battle of Flanders Types of prisoners recently captured by the British - Official photographs taken on the British western front - The battle of Flanders A big batch of prisoners captured by the British in their new succes - Official photographs taken on the British western front - The battle … A big batch of prisoners captured in the new successes of the British - Official photographs taken on the British western front - The battle … Artilleryman on the way to his battery receives a charming attention from a French girl - Official photographs taken on the British western front - … Cavalry passing round a crater on their way to the front - Scenes on the western front Cavalry passing round a crater on their way to the front - Scenes on the western front A typical scene behind the line - Scenes on the western front Lorries passing round a mine crater on their way to the front - Scenes on the western front