Jungle victory : an official story of the Australian soldier in the Wau-Salamaua campaign January, 1943 - September, 1943 official history of new zealand in the second world war 1939-45 Crete / by Daniel Marcus Davin Offiziere gegen Hitler : nach einem Erlebnisbericht von Fabian von Schlabrendorff / bearbeitet und herausgegeben von Gero v. S. Gaevernitz Talks to future officers / by Lieut.-Col. Donald Portway ; with a foreword by Major-General G.H. Addison Bataillon de Choc / présenté par le Général de Lattre de Tassigny ; préface de François Mauriac ; textes du capitaine Maurice Guernier ; rapports … Atomic energy for military purposes : the official report on the development of the atomic bomb under the auspices of the United States Government, 1940-1945 … Im Dienste des Volkes / Marshall der Sowjetunion K.A. Merezkow ; ins Deutsche übertragen von Arno Specht Reserve-Officiersopleiding CORO 1941-1942 / [met bijdr. van A.L. Burgman ... et al. ; samenst.: H.W. Neidig] Target Germany : the Army Air Forces' official story of the VIII Bomber Command's first year over Europe / [with a forew. by H.H. Arnold] Front line 1940-41 : the official story of the civil defence of Britain / issued for the Ministry of Home Security by the Ministry of … Blauwgrijze platte pet met W-band en embleem Koninklijke Luchtmacht, voor een subalterne officier Reconquest : an official record of the Australian Army's successes in the offensives against Lae, Finschaffen, ... : September, 1943-June, 1944