aspects of nato Women in the Allied Forces Lidmaatschapskaart Koninklijke Vereniging van Nederlandse Reserve Officieren op naam van T.J. Roelofs NATO infantry and its weapons : manportable weapons and equipment in service with the regular and reserve forces of the United States of America, Belgium, … jane's defence data Jane's NATO handbook / ed. by Bruce George agard conference proceedings Artificial intelligence / [by] Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development document Defense of the Mediterranean and the NATO southern flank / by Mr. Goedhart NATO-tattoo Arnhem Nato-Musikfest : Mönchengladbach Handleiding voor de behandeling van NATO-documenten / Hoofdkwartier Generale Staf, Sectie G2 Principes directeurs pour l'emploi tactique des grandes unites / Forces Alliees Centre Europe = Guiding principles for the tactical employment of major units formations / … elite series NATO armies today / text by Nigel Thomas ; colour plates by Ron Volstad American aid to NATO allies in the 1950s : the Dutch case / Catharina Maria Megens