fibulareeks Ridderschap : ideaal en werkelijkheid / J.M. van Winter middeleeuwse studies en bronnen Oorlog in de middeleeuwen / onder red. van A.J. Brand warfare in history art of warfare in Western Europe during the Middle Ages : from the eighth century to 1340 / J.F. Verbruggen ; transl. [from the Dutch] … puffin picture book book of armour / by Patrick Nicolle armi in asta : della fanterie europee (1000-1500) / Mario Traso : con uno studio esemplificativo delle coeve tattiche di combattimento e tecniche di impiego … men-at-arms series Knights of Christ : religious : military orders of knighthood 1118-1565 / text by Terence Wise ; colourpl. by Richard Scollins ; ed. Martin Windrow critical inquiry into antient armour, as it existed in Europe, but particularly in England, from the Norman Conquest to the reign of King Charles II … schoolplaten voor de vaderlandse geschiedenis Noormannen voor Dorestad / tekst van D.Wijbenga critical inquiry into antient armour, as it existed in Europe, particularly in Great Britain, from the Norman Conquest to the reign of King Charles II … critical inquiry into antient armour, as it existed in Europe, particularly in Great Britain, from the Norman Conquest to the reign of King Charles II … Schets van de aardrijkskunde en geschiedenis der Middeleeuwen / naar het Hoogduitsch van W. Pütz ; bewerkt door Dr. E. Mehler fortress in the early modern world, 1494-1660 / Christopher Duffy