Traité Analytique Des Sections Coniques, Fluxions Et Fluentes. Avec Un Essai Sur Les Quadratures, Et Un Traité Du Mouvement. Par M. Muller, Professeur de Mathématiques … Eerste Deel. Met zeer veele Platen opgehelderd. Tweede Deel. Met zeer veele Platen opgehelderd. Derde Deel. Met zeer veele Platen opgehelderd. The Principles Of Mechanics. Explaining And Demonstrating The General Laws of Motion, The Laws Of Gravity, Motion Of Descending Bodies, Projectiles, Mechanic Powers, Pendulums, Centres … Narrative of a five years' expedition, against the revolted negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America : from the year … decisive battles of the Western world and their influence upon history : From the defeat of the spanish Armada to the battle of Waterloo / … dispatches of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, K.G. : during his various campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France. From … life of lieutenant-general Sir John Moor, K.B. : 1 life of lieutenant-general Sir John Moor, K.B. : 2 Napoleonic uniforms / John Robert Elting : [1] Napoleonic uniforms / John Robert Elting : [2]