dark haven / by F.T.K. Bullmore ; with a forew. by John Salmond Recollections of Rifleman Harris : as told to Henry Curling / ed. and with an introd. by Christopher Hibbert British naval medals : commemorative medals, naval rewards, war medals, ...engraved pieces, etc.,etc. / Marquess of Milford Haven education on site teacher's guide to history through role play / John Fairclough vanguard series British Guards Armoured Division, 1941-45 / text by John Sandars ; colour plates by Mike Chappell Museums and galleries in Great Britain and Northern Ireland ; over 750 collections / [pref by John Russell] We shall fight in the streets!" : guide to street fighting : ground - defence - attack - use of explosives - arms and equipment … Preservation management : policies and practices in British libraries / John Feather, Graham Matthews, and Paul Eden vanguard series British 7th Armoured Division, 1940-45 / text by John Sandars ; colour plates by Mike Chappell Why England slept / John F. Kennedy history of the second world war. united kingdom civil series administration of war production / J.D. Scott and Richard Hughes dispatches of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, K.G. : during his various campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France. From …