Papier-Fetzen : deutsche Bekanntmachungen in Belgien und Frankreich / [ingeleid door Ian Z. Malcolm] Despatches from the Dardanelles, etc / Ian Hamilton ; with an introd. by field-marshal Sir Evelyn Wood Rockets and missiles / Maurice Allward [and] John W.R. Taylor Commander : a study of his art / by Ian Hamilton ; ed. by Anthony Farrar-Hockley Zulu War : then and now / Ian Knight and Ian Castle men-at-arms series Byzantine armies 1118-1461 AD / Ian Heath ; illustrated by A. McBride elite series Zulus / text by Ian Knight ; colour pl. by Angus McBride Defence in the Cold War : the task for the free world / a report by a Chatham House Study Group British airports / John W.R. Taylor British airports / John W.R. Taylor men-at-arms series Byzantine armies 886-1118 / text by Ian Heath ; colour plates by Angus McBride woord in beeld beeldwoordenboek van de militaire uniformen / [vert. uit het Engels: P. van der Burg ; eindred.: Trudi Schraa ; ill.: Ian Fleming ... et al. …