"Up in Darwin with the Dutch" Kunst uit de frontlinie, Mariniersmuseum Soldiers of the Raj Blad met negatieven Blad met diapositieven In memory of Gordon: killed january 26, 1885 The assault on the Dargai Hill on october 20: the pass being rushed by the Gordon Highlanders, followed by the Dorsetshirers, Derbyshires, 3rd Sikhs and … A Gordon Highlander, as uniformed when the regiment was raised in 1794 Mand behorende bij de luchtballon van ballonvaarster Nini Boesman General-lieutnant Von Gordon Capitein Bleyre en capitein Gordon. Oosten menich Spaignniaert t'leven t' allen stom. Onder stuarts coronelschap ghedient. Toen als Mechelen mette Staten was vrient - Handschrift … Franse lansiers attaqueren Schots carré bij Waterloo