soviet booklet Suez : the Soviet view Arab-Israeli war 1948 / Edgar O'Ballance Naar Libanon : deel 1 / Ministerie van Defensie, Directie Voorlichting Report on the Middle East / participants: Senator Owen Brewster, Republican, of Maine, Representative Estes Kefauver, Democrat, of Tennessee, Mr. Sterling Fisher, director of the … voorlichtingsbulletin Israel Sinai campaign 1956 / Edgar O'Ballance Suez / Quirin Engasser ; vert. door K. Lugtigheid ; met 19 foto's en 5 kaartjes Verteidigungsarmee Israëls 1948-1958 : ein Bildbericht / zusammengest. und bearb. von G. Rivlin ; Einl. von D. Ben-Gurion Europe's need for oil : implications and lessons of the Suez crisis Documents on the Suez Crisis : 26 July to 6 November 1956 / sel. and introd. by D.C. Watt evolution of the Suez Canal status from 1869 up to 1956 : a historico-juridical study / Benno Avram Arab-Israeli wars : war and peace in the Middle East / Chaim Herzog