Small arms training : Anti-Tank Rifle / War Office. Army Council. Vol. I Royal armoured corps : weapons : General Lee and General Grant Tanks (medium tanks, M 3) Royal armoured corps : weapons : Infantry tank, mark II (A 12), armament 2-Pr. gun mark IX or X and Co-Axially Mounted : 303-in : … Royal armoured corps : weapons : Valentine tank (infantry tank mark III) Royal Armoured Corps : weapon training : Fire tactics for tank commanders and troop leaders military training pamphlet Tactical handling of Army Tank Battalions : Battle drill and manoeuvre war of invention : scientific developments, 1914-18 / by Guy Hartcup Uitrusting van het Sovjet leger / samengest. door Sectie G2 HGKS in samenwerking met de Inspectie Cavalerie British tanks, 1915-1945 British Army vehicles & equipment : part 1: Armour elite World War II infantry anti-tank tactics / Gordon L. Rottman ; ill. by Steve Noon ; cons. ed.: Martin Windrow Training Memorandum. no.15. Royal Artillery. (field, Anti-Tank and Anti-Aircraft Branches). WO 7325