Geschichte der preuszischen Eisenbahntruppen / Hille, Meurin Württembergische Gebirgs-Artillerie im Weltkrieg 1914-1918 / bearb. von Hauptmann Seeger Geschichte des Landwehrkorps im Weltkriege 1914/1918 : Das Landwehrkorps in den Kriegsjahren 1915 bis 1918 unter Einschluÿß der Landwehr-Division Bredow (Nr. 18) : zugleich ein … 2e Regiment veldartillerie army lineage series Armor-cavalry / Mary Lee Stubbs : Pt. 1: Regular army and army reserve historical records of the british army Second, or Queen's regiment of dragoon guards / R. Cannon historical records of the british army Sixth regiment of dragoon guards or the carabineers / R. Cannon Historisch overzicht van de instructie-compagnie te Schoonhoven / W.F. Jans historical records of the british army First, or Royal regiment of foot / R. Cannon historical records of the british army Third regiment of foot or the Buffs / R. Cannon historical records of the british army Sixth, or Royal first Warwickshire regiment of foot / R. Cannon historical records of the british army Ninth, or the east Norfolk, regiment of foot / R. Cannon