Austin. Driver's handbook, ambulance 2-ton 4x2 Austin. Master spare parts list for 2 ton (4x2) W.D. ambulances (type K2/Y) Autonetics. Minuteman and you, …our first-line of defense team Austin-Western Company. Operating and service intructions OP-CR53, crane, hydraulic truck mounted (2 1/2 and 5-ton truck) Autophon A.-G. Autophon A.-G. Messgerät für die Anfangsgeschwindigkeit von Geschossen, Type VO 980, System Fischer Autophon LTD. Description of the Autophon 8 - Element Oscillograph Range Finder Austin. Maintenance manual and intruction book, lorry 3-ton 4x2 G.S. models K3/YB K3/ZC Austin. Driver's handbook, lorry model K.3. 4x2 G.S., lorry model K.2.A. 4x2 G.S., ambulance heavy model Ansaldo. War material, 210mm/22 howitzer - mark 935 American Armament Corporation. Product informatie American Armament Corporation. Product informatie