Sovjet militair-industrieel complex / door Anthony Sutton Truppen-Übersicht Rote Armee Dezember 1943 opbouwdienst Russian abbreviations : a selective list / comp. by Alexander Rosenberg its technical manual Glossary of Soviet military terminology : English-Russian; Russian-English pamphlet Vorläufiges Wörterbuch Wehrwesen - Wehrtechnik : Russisch - Deutsch / Offen fischer taschenbücher, bücher des wissens Dialektischer und historischer Materialismus / von Gustav A. Wetter fischer bücherei Sowjetideologie heute history of the Soviet army / Michel Garder radio equipment Aims and methods of Soviet planning / by Mikhail Bor ; with introd. note by Maurice Dobb ; [transl. from the Russian: Maxim Korobochkin ... … radio equipment Soviet military and the Communist Party / Roman Kolkowicz department of the army supply manual Constitution (fundamental law) of the union of soviet socialist republics : as amended by the sixth session of the seventh supreme soviet of the U.S.S.R. … Soviet foreign policy: early years / [by] M. Trush