men-at-arms series Austrian army / Philip J. Haythornthwaite ; illustrated by W. Younghusband men-at-arms series Saladin and the Saracens : armies of the Middle East 1100-1300 / text by David Nicolle ; colour plates by Angus McBride men-at-arms series Romanian army of World War II / M. Axworthy ; illustrated by Horia Serbanescu elite series Scottish Infantry units in the world wars / Mike Chappell men-at-arms series,general washington's army : 1779-1783 Washington's army : 1779-1783 / text by Marko Zlatich ; colour plates by Bill Younghusband men-at-arms series British army on campaign 1816-1902 / text by Michael Barthorp / colour plates by Pierre Turner osprey campaign series Omdurman 1898 : Kitchener's victory in the Sudan / Donald Featherstone Dansk infanteris uniform og oppakning gennem de sidste 200 år $ The Danish infantry's uniforms and equipment through-out the past 200 years / [Tekst: A.N. … cahiers d'enseignement illustrés Uniformes de l'Armée française en 1884 / dessinés par Armand Dumaresq ; texte par M. de Bouillé : 1 elite series NATO armies today / text by Nigel Thomas ; colour plates by Ron Volstad Milva 1944-1979 : toen nu en straks : de vrouwelijke militair in de Koninklijke Landmacht / samengest. door C.M. Schulten ; met medew. van M.C.G. … Field equipment of the European foot soldier 1900-1914 / by Emile Charles Lavisse ; transl. [from the French] by Edward P. Lawton