Engineer Combat Battalion Divisional. FM 5-132 Engineer Battalion Armored Mechanized and Infantry. FM 5-135 Engineer Battalion Armored, Infantry and Infantry (Mechanized) Divisions. FM 5-135 Nondivisional Engineer Combat Units. FM 5-142 Corps of Engineers. Camouflage of Antiaircraft Artillery. FM 5-20 F Leidraad Geniesteun. LD 3 Royal Engineers. Supplementary Pocket Book. no. 4. WO 7151 Engineer Field Manual. Military Engineering (Tentative) Part One. Communications Atlas van CIV platen behoorende bij het Voorschrift voor pionierarbeid ten dienste van het Korps Genietroepen - Koninklijke Landmacht Voorschrift no. 424 Standing Orders for War. Divisional Engineers, 1942. WO 7545 Beleid opleiden en oefenen. Genie-eenheden. OP-LK-BOO-II F Pamphlet no. 35 A. Combined Operations. Royal Engineers. (Other than transportation Units). WO 7348 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/GS/Publcations/1158