Military Training Pamphlet. no. 41. Part 3. The tactical handling of the Armoured Division and its components. (All Arms). WO 7654 Military Training Pamphlet. no. 42. Mechanized Movement by Road. WO 7661 Military Training Pamphlet. no. 45. Bomb Reconnaissance and Protection Against Unexploded Boms. (All Arms).. WO 7655 Military Training Pamphlet. no. 46. Part 4. Camouflage.Vehicles, wheeled and tracked Military Training Pamphlet. no. 46. Camouflage. All Arms. 1941. Part 5: Artillery with te Field Army Military Training Pamphlet. no. 35. Part. 2. Royal Armoured Corps. Weapons. 37 mm. Gun. (M.6) Military Training Pamphlet. no. 35. Part 9. Royal Armoured Corps. Weapons. Ordnance Q.F. and S.A. 2-Ponder. Marks IX and X (or IX A and X … Military Training Pamphlet. no. 35. Part 13. Royal Armoured Corps. Weapons.30-inch Browning Machine Gun Military Training Pamphlet. no. 35. Royal Armoured Corps. Weapons. Part 22: Daimler Armoured Car, Mark I Training Pamphlet. no. 2. Royal Army Service Corps.Training. R.A.S.C. Organization and the Principes of and Responsibility for Training Training Pamphlet no. 5. Royal Army Service Corps. Organization, Operation, and Maintenance of RASC.Transport in the Field. WO 7602 Training Pamphlet no.7. Royal Army Service Corps. Part I: Distribution of Supplies in advance of railhead. WO 7605