Field Artillery. Service of the Piece 240 mm. Howitzer M1918. FM 6-95 The Field Artillery Observation Battalion and Batteries. FM 6-120 Field Artillery. Target Acquisition.. FM 6-121 Artillery Sound Ranging and Flash Ranging. FM 6-122 Qualification Tests for Specialists, Field Artillery. FM 6-125 Adjustment of Artillery Fire by the Combat Soldier. FM 6-135 Field Artillery Battery. FM 6-140 Corps of Engineers. Camouflage of Antiaircraft Artillery. FM 5-20 F Training Memorandum. no. 7. Royal Artillery. (Field, Anti-tank, and Anti-Aircraft Braches). WO. 7317 Training Memorandum. no. 9. Royal Artillery. (Field, Anti-Tank, and Anti-Aircraf Branches). WO 7319 Training Memorandum. no. 10. Royal Artillery. (Field, Anti-Tank, and Anti-Aircraft Branches). WO 7320 Traiing Memorandum. no. 11. Royal Artillery. (Field, Anti-Tank, and Anti-Aircraft Branches). WO 7321