Artillery Training. Volume IV, Part I, Pamphlet no. 6. A.A. Gunnery, Predictor no. 1, 1942. WO 7284 Artillery Training. Volume IV, Part I, Pamphlet 7. A.A. Gunnery, Predictor A.A. Nos. 2 and 5. WO 7285 Artillery Training. Volume IV, Part I, Pamphlet 35. A.A. Gunnery, Radar (A.A.) no. 3, Mark 2. WO 7294 Artillery Training. Volume IV, Part II, Pamphlet no. 3. A.A. Searchlights, Operational procedure fot searchlights. (other than with fighter aircraft). WO 7301 Artillery Training. Volume IV, Part II, Pamphlet no. 9. A.A. Searchlights, Elementary Optical Principles of Searchlights. WO 7306 Artillery Training. Volume VI, Pamphlet no. 11. Survey, Estimation of calibre from time of flight. WO 7313 Artillery Training. Volume III. Pamphlet no. 12. Field Gunnery, Concentrations of Observed Fire Artillery Training. Volume III. Pamphlet no. 13. Field Gunnery, Engagement of targets by observed fire Artillery Training. Volume III. Pamphlet 4. Field Gunnery, Engagement of targets by observed fire. WO 8246 Artillery Training. Volume III. Pamphlet no. 5. Field Gunnery, Predicted Fire. Appendices. no. 8249 Artillery Training. Volume III. Pamphlet 6. Field Gunnery, Programme Shoots. no. 8250 Military Training Pamphlet. no.3.The Defence. (Adapted for use in A.M.F.)