Oorlogsherinneringen / door R. Hoogerwerf-Holleman research paper Stress, de laatste stand van zaken! / T.P. op den Buijs & R. Moelker Waffenlehre : Belagerungsgeschütze / A. Korzen und R. Kühn ; bearb. von Anton Korzen historical records of the british army Fourth, or Royal, Irish regiment of dragoon guards / R. Cannon historical records of the british army Second, or Queen's Royal regiment of foot / R. Cannon historical records of the british army Twelfth, or the east Suffolk regiment of foot / R. Cannon historical records of the british army Thirty-first, or the Huntingdonshire regiment of foot / R. Cannon historical records of the british army Thirty-ninth, or the Dorsetshire regiment of foot / R. Cannon historical records of the british army Seventy-first regiment Highland Light Infantry / R. Cannon Schnellfeuer-Feldkanonen / von R. Wille mens en bedrijfsleven Kaderproblemen in het moderne bedrijf / door E.P. Learned, D.N. Ulrich, D.R. Booz ; vert. door P.A. Hermans croix de guerre / R. Christian-Forgé