Engeland en de wereld-oorlog : (zonder omhaal verteld) / door Herbert Strang ; vert. van W. de Veer Waarvoor Groot-Brittannië strijdt : een heldere uiteenzetting van de oorlogs-doeleinden / door Lloyd George ; [vert. uit het Engels] When the war will end / D. Lloyd George world's largest loan Fact v. fiction : Mr. Lloyd George's statement on shipping and food supplies history of the second world war. campaign book Commando / Peter Young ballantine's illustrated history of world war ii. battle books Bir Hacheim : desert citadel / [by] Richard Holmes Handbook of the Imperial War Museum : [Lambeth Road, London S.E.I] : 1914 to the present day / With a pref. by Noble Frankland War equipment table for headquarters of a light anti-aircraft regiment, RA (Mobile), 1942 : (to command 3 light anti-aircraft batteries) Equipment table for a relief driver increment R.A.S.C miscellaneous Correspondence between H.M.Government in the United Kingdom and the German government, august 1939 : presented by the secretary of state for foreign affaires to parliament … Corps commander / Sir Brian Horrocks, with Eversley Belfield and H. Essame