Infantry, Antitank Company, Infantry Regiment and Antitank Platoon, Infantry Battalion. FM 7-35. Tank Company, Infantry Regiment. FM 7-35 Tank and Mechanized Infantery Company Team. FM 71-1 Tank and mechanized Infantry Battalion Task Force. FM 71-2 Armored and Mechanized Brigade Operations. FM 71-3. Medical Service in Joint Oversea Operations. FM 8-25 Ordnance Battalion. Infantry Division. FM 9-25 Leidraad Geniesteun. LD 3 Pamphlet no. 42. Combined Operations. Training at Home Stations. WO 7857 - Engeland Voorschrift 26/G.S. Publications/926 Military Training Pamphlet. no.23. Part I. General Principles, Fighting Troops and Their Characteristics. (All Arms). WO 7630 Military Training Pamphlet. no.51. Preparation for Warfare in the Far East. (All Arms). no. 7662 Signal Training. Pamphlet no. 1. Volume no. 1. Signal Organization and Tactics.The Higher Organization of Signals. WO 8506