pocket books Mission to Moscow / Joseph E. Davies geschiedenis van Dr. Wassell / James Hilton ; [uit het Engelsch vert.] army air forces aviation psychology program research reports Psychological research on operational training in the continental air forces / ed by Meredith P. Crawford ...[et al] united states army in world war ii approach to the Philippines / by Robert Ross Smith united states army in world war ii Quartermaster corps : organization, supply and services / by Erna Risch document Investigation of the Pearl Harbor attack / report of the Joint Committee on the investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack [chairman Alben W. Barkley], Congress … Flugblätter aus den USA 1943/44 : Bibliographie, Katalog / [hrsg. von] Klaus Kirchner Memoires / Harry S. Truman : [Dl.2]: 1946-1953, jaren van beproeving en hoop Army Air Forces in World War II / Wesley Frank Craven : Vol. 5: The Pacific : Matterhorn to Nagasaki, June 1944 to August 1945 Victory / Amerikaansch Bureau voor Oorlogsinlichtingen bison book biography of General of the Army, Douglas MacArthur / S.L. Mayer Geef mij maar Amerika!