communications of the "van der waals-fund" method for the measurement of the viscosity of saturated methane-oil solutions under pressure / by J. Versluys, A. Michels and J. Gerver communications of the "van der waals-fund" Calculation of thermodynamic properties of nitrogen up to 3000 atm. between 0ÿê and 150ÿê / by A. Michels, H. Wouters and J. de Boer communications of the "van der waals-fund" suggested explanation for some properties of liquid He II / by A. Michels, A. Bijl and J. de Boer communications of the "van der waals-fund" Isothermsof methane-aethane mixtures at 0ÿê, 25ÿê and 50ÿêC up to 60 atmospheres / by A. Michels and G.W. Nederbragt communications of the "van der waals-fund" Quantum-mechanical calculation of the second virial-coefficient of helium at low temperatures / by J. de Boer and A. Michels Sur quelques traités d'art militaire en langue italienne conservés à la Bibliothèque Mazarine / Paul-Henri Michel communications of the "van der waals-fund" calibration of a pressure balance in absolute units / A. Michels mitteilungen des "van der waals-fonds" Neubearbeitung der Kohnstammwalstraschen Isothermenmessungen / A. Michels und A.J.J. Gerver S.J. communications of the "van der waals-fund" electrical manometer for pressures up to 3000 atmospheres / A. Michels and M. Lenssen communications of the "van der waals-fund" Dielectric constant of nitrogen uo to 1000 atms. between 25ÿê C and 150ÿê C / A. Michels, A. Jaspers and P. Sanders communications of the "van der waals-fund" Contribution to the theory of the influence of pressure on the electrical resistance of metals / M.H. Lenssen and A. Michels communications of the "van der waals-fund" Isotherms of CO2 between 0ÿê and 150ÿê and pressures from 16 to 250 atm (amagat densities 18-206) / by A. Michels and C. Michels $ …